DJ Kepi DJ MIxes

Breakbeat Mix – Bacon Beats – Booty Bass Makes a Case

DJ Kepi

Bacon Beats Breakbeat Mix by Kepi on Mixcloud

Ok ya’ll, You got to peep this new breakbeat mix I did. I love these tracks. I personally have been listening to them non-stop. So I put together a continuous booty bass mix of Stanton Warriors, DJ Icey, & More! Download is now available…for FREE: BACON BEATS DOWNLOAD. I will post the track list here soon. Just in time for Spring, I highly suggest downloading this stuff ASAP and playing this mix in the car with the windows down.

This is the sound I am really into right now. I really always have been. Gettin’ back to my roots so to speak. For me breaks invoke more emotion from me and makes me want to boogie where ever I am.